Thursday, March 19, 2009

Screw Facebook

Yes, it's another one of these rants.

Seriously, Facebook needs to be killed off brutally with a butter knife and duct tape. For example, there are 2.547 million people in the Metro Vancouver area, where I live. There are 881 thousand registered and active accounts on Facebook that have the location set to Vancouver, BC. Simple number-crunching, that's a ratio of 1:2.89 people with an active facebook account. Let's just say that's one in 2.89 people who could spend their time doing something waaaaaayyyyyy more useful, say, writing or reading or learning new things, or even finding hobbies that don't include the use of writing useless posts about your mood, what you're listening to, etc. on the internet for everyone to see and go "OMG I R DOING TEH SAME THING!!!!!!111oneone" about.

Myspace isn't much better. The music feature is just useless (see here) and the site is almost as bad as Facebook, but I think it would be better than Facebook (for example, nobody goes up to me and says "join myspace, ill friend u!!" Oh, and one word: FOX.

In conclusion, can we please, as a society, detach ourselves from these sites and have normal lives? Thanks.

EDIT: For those who think that WoW is just as bad, it just might be. I personally think it's not. End of story.

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